Washing the pot
Pot used for decocting medicine should be washed thoroughly.
- To prevent medicinal dregs from staying in the pot
- To prevent interfering with the properties and effectiveness of the next brew
- To prevent dregs from setting at the bottom of bot and becoming burnt
Soaking the medicinal herbs
- Soak the herbs in cold water between 30 minutes to an hour.
- Do not wash the medicinal herbs
Amount of water added
- Distilled water will be most ideal to decoct Chinese medicine
- Water level should be about 3-4cm above the drugs
- *Some drugs float, so take note of the drugs before adding the water
The duration of decoction
*To be decocted at least twice
Medicine for general ailments
First decoction: Bring to boil and cook for 30 minutes
Second decoction: Bring to boil and cook for 20 minutes
Medicine to dispel exterior heat syndrome
First decoction: Bring to boil and cook for 8-10 minutes
Second decoction: Bring to boil and cook for 5 minutes
Nourishing medicine
First decoction: Bring to boil and cook for 60 minutes
Second decoction: Bring to boil and cook for 30 minutes
Taking the medicine (depends on the nature of the medicine)
Consumption before a meal: Nourishing medicine
Consumption after a meal: Medicine to dipel wind and dampness
Medicine that is strong on the stomach
Consumption on an empty stomach: Medicine to kill parasites and treat constipation
Consumption before bedtime: Medicine to settle the mind and heart
Consumption without restricted timing: Medicine to treat exterior syndrome or acute illness